Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Happy (Way Belated) Thanksgiving

Everyone has traditions they follow, no matter how big or small. One tradition my family has (or in this case had) was everyone come together at my Grandmom's house and have a big Thanksgiving dinner in the dining room. Well, ever since my Poppy died, it seems all traditions have been lost. We no longer eat in the dining room. Instead we set up a brown folding table in the family room like we did when I was younger for Friday night dinners. We're not allowed to make shells and cottage cheese, which is a dish Poppy and my dad made for Easter and Christmas Eve. And I am not talking about stuffed shells. Poppy was Russian and Polish and stuffed shells is Italian. Shells and cottage cheese is exactly that. Little shells with fried onions and cottage (pot) cheese. Best food I've ever had in my life. It's sad to see such traditions go down the drain. Luckily, my dad feels the same way and is doing everything he can to keep the traditions Poppy started alive.

Things I'm thankful for this year: family (no matter how crazy they are), friends, the opportunity to become friends with two great people, having a job, having a certain boy back in my life, the ability to have second (and third, fourth, etc) chances, a country where I am able to speak my mind, those who are fighting to protect this land so I can speak my mind, the opportunities I've had in my life, the education I received, a house (well my parent's house), food, clothing, and I know there's alot more.

Friday, November 18, 2011

It feels like I've been punched in the stomach

The one thing I love about today: Watching a 2007 Phillies game vs the Mets and hearing the late, great Harry Kalas.

The past two days have been days where either you a)want to punch something or b)feel like the one being punched. As I probably have mentioned before, I believe that everything happens for a reason. I got my chance at what I've always wanted, but I guess the timing just wasn't right. I guess I just have to keep patiently waiting.