Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Year

Wow. So much has happened since the last time I blogged. That's mainly my fault. I was going through alot and didn't really want to do anything except sit and mope.

Let's see...December, Christmas happened and I wasn't sick. For anyone who knows me I am ALWAYS sick around Christmas. These past two years are the first I haven't been. It was quite nice actually being able to celebrate with my family. The highlight of every year is seeing my best friend who lives in Virginia. She came up and we got to hang out one night. New Year's Eve also came and went. Probably one of the worst I've experienced. My boyfriend (well, ex-boyfriend now) broke up with me.

That pretty much sums up December for me. Now it's January. I'm single (for the first time in 3 1/2 years) and I'm 25 (birthday was yesterday). I want this year to be memorable. I don't want to sit around and let life come to me and just go by. I want to get out there and do new things. I want a complete makeover. Looks, attitude, everything.

Some things I definitely want to try to do/experience this year: skydiving, parasailing, go to the wax museum in NYC, maybe go out west and visit a good friend of mine who I haven't seen in years.

If anyone has done anything or gone anywhere that was memorable what did you do/where did you go? I'm open to ideas on what to do to make this year memorable for me.